Friday, May 29, 2009

Deploying ASP.NET 2.0 + (IIS, "The page cannot be found", 404.2)

It's been a while since I've had to setup a Windows 2003 server to test Asp.Net apps on so i was a bit baffled when when i couldn't get the website to serve aspx pages. Navigating to the site would result in "The page cannot be found" http 404.

Did all the usual googling, checked the logs at %WINDIR%\System32\Logfiles\W3SVC* which contained lines similar to:

2002-11-25 05:46:15 GET /default.asp - 80 - - 404 2 1260

Right, just need to lookup what the "404 2 1260" error means. Despite the detail on that page there's no concrete answers.

Anyway long story short, i had forgotten to register Asp.Net 2.0 with IIS using the old chestnut: aspnet_regiis -i. Allow Asp.Net 2.0 in IIS->Web Service Extensions and away we go.

I'll just slink back to my cave now :(

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